Phil Cannella Discusses Frailty of World Economy

Phil Cannella is renowned for his accurate predictions of world economic conditions and his savvy interpretations of geopolitical events.  He has also been prescient in how these world events impact the lives of Americans and more specifically the lives of people in retired years.

By way of a history, Phil Cannella learned the rules of life in the school of hard knocks. It was by living life in the real world that he learned the laws of survival. It wasn’t by studying in an ivory tower university for years on end that he figured out how to create the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System-He gained his knowledge through practical learning and common sense. While there are many great scholars who have provided vast knowledge to society, there are many scholars whose contributions to mankind are limited to theoretical papers and writings on subjects that have no impact on our lives. Phil Cannella on the other hand, has attempted at every turn to make a change in society by helping his fellow man and learning the hard facts of life, to then in turn use that knowledge to help the everyday man. This is how his professional career began as an insurance professional in the 1970s when offering nursing home insurance to seniors, and it continued as he studied the market crash that hit us at the turn of the century. He used all of the knowledge gathered to create his exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System.

Today, Phil Cannella is a beacon of hope and common sense as he educates hundreds of thousands of seniors every year on the safe alternatives to the risk and corruption on Wall Street. Attendees at weekly Crash Proof Retirement Educational Events listen with rapt attention as Phil provides an arsenal of useful knowledge to those seeking safety and security in retirement. The proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System is uniquely created for each Crash Proof consumer to protect assets from any and all volatility, including geo-political events such as: Wars in the Middle East; China’s economic troubles, financial collapse in Greece and so forth.