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Truth is the only commodity which deserves a place in Retirement.
– Phil Cannella
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This site was created to relay truth; truth about retirement, truth about financial investments, and to spread the truth which Phil Cannella and his Crash Proof Retirement Show® strives to make known to the broad public. We are people of retirement age who have benefited from applying a Crash Proof™ education in our own lives. We hope that site visitors will share their own personal stories of their experiences with Phil Cannella, First Senior Financial Group, The Crash Proof Retirement™ team, etc. For more information on this service go to the First Senior Financial Group website.
Phil Cannella stands for TRUTH for the American Retiree.
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Phil Cannella Events
Phil Cannella hosts several Crash Proof Retirement events every month in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware to discuss key truths about Wall Street, your retirement and your future.
[button color=”blue” size=”large” link=”http://thetruth.wpengine.com/events/” target=”_blank”]Upcoming Events[/button]
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Official Profile
Visit Phil Cannella’s official profile to find out how he discovered the truth about the nation’s retirement schemes. Find out how he works with retirees to crash proof their retirement.
[button color=”blue” size=”large” link=”http://phillipjcannella.com/” target=”_blank”]Visit the site[/button]
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First Senior Financial Group
See the company Phil Cannella built over 30 years to secure the retirement for others and bring the truth to the broad public. Sign up for the newsletter or speak to an educator!
[button color=”blue” size=”large” link=”http://www.firstseniorfinancialgroup.com/” target=”_blank”]Visit FSFG[/button]
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Contact Phil Cannella
If you are looking for the truth to navigate safely through your retirement, then there is no better person to talk to than Phil Cannella. Book an appointment today!
[button color=”blue” size=”large” link=”http://thetruth.wpengine.com/contact/” target=”_blank”]Get in Touch![/button]