Phil Cannella and H. David Kotz – SEC Interview

Phil Cannella and H. David Kotz - SEC Interview

Phil Cannella & H. David Kotz Shaking Hands After Interview

The SEC and Bloomberg would rather talk about football tickets than about fixing a broken system.

Bloomberg writer Rob Schmidt‘s December 15 follow-up to his November 23 article about the fallout from Crash Proof Retirement’s landmark interview with SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz is revealing on two levels.

[dropcap color=”black”]F[/dropcap]irst, it shows that the SEC is more interested in discrediting Mr. Kotz  than in meaningfully addressing the many key issues the hard-hitting questions of Crash Proof Retirement Show™ founder and host Phil Cannella brought to light during the interview itself.

[dropcap color=”black”]S[/dropcap]econd, it shows how far the business media themselves still have to travel to reach a point where they provide a genuine service to their audience by covering issues that affect American consumers with insight and passion in the open and honest manner that Phil Cannella does today.

This doubly underscores the need for Retirement Media, Inc., the new media venture that Phil Cannella has launched.

Phil Cannella adds:“Just like accumulation-phase advisors, who tell you to trust the market because it supposedly ‘always comes back,’ the mainstream media act as if Wall Street is the only game in town. We spoke to Bloomberg at length about safe alternatives for the American retirees—alternatives that get them off the crazy, risk-infested roller-coaster of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. We also covered it in the letter to the SEC. And Bloomberg barely considered it worth a mention!”

Phil Cannella will have more to say about this ongoing controversy in this weekend’s editions of the Crash proof Retirement Show.