Category Archives: Phil Cannella Truth
What is Retirement Really Like?
When people typically picture retirement we think of lots and lots of free time and being able to do exactly what you want, when you want and that includes traveling. However, when talking to retirees there are some things that occur that affect retirement. Here are some things to give you more of a realistic idea of what retirement is like. You won’t get as bored as you think. Some people think that you won’t be able to find enough stuff to fill your days, Read More +
Questions to Ask Your Employer about Your 401(k) plan
Defined-benefit pension plans are shrinking in number. So mow more than ever retirement funds and saving for retirement has started to become a responsibility of the employers. Many employers are now switching over to plans such as the 401(k), which are defined contribution plans. How good is the 401(k) match? If your employer offers employer match, the smartest move is to at least contribute enough money into your account to take advantage of the funds that your employer can pitch in. To determine how much Read More +
Phil Cannella Creates a Crash Proof Retirement for Dom and Linda Magazu
Phil Cannella’s exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System has helped over 4,000 people have a more safe and secure retirement. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Consumer “Spotlight” on Crash Proof consumers: Dom and Linda Magazu of Gibbstown N.J Prior to their decision to becoming Crash Proofed, the Magazus were courted by a securities advisor with disastrous results. The financial firm they went with turned out to be a complete fraud. Once the deal was done, neither the firm nor the Magazu’s money were ever seen Read More +
Phil Cannella Talks to Retirees on the Market
Phil Cannella stands against an industry that is fighting to keep retirement assets at risk. A sizeable percentage of the investments found in the stock market belongs to Americans aged 50 and up, so you might understand why the Securities Exchange Commission is protective over its market and why its representatives—your financial advisors—want to protect it. Phil Cannella often points out at his educational events that it’s retiree’s money that’s fueling the securities industry. Think about the millions of dollars in taxes that the government Read More +
Phil Cannella Spearheads Industry Reform
Phil Cannella, has been a leading insurance and financial professional for for almost 40 years, and has been at the vanguard of a movement to reform the financial services industry. He is leading the charge to bring real fiduciary responsibility to financial advisors so that American retirees can get the real and true financial help they deserve. Phil Cannella believes the real problem is that too many financial professionals are not acting in the best interest of their clients because the best interests of the Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains Long-Term Care Insurance
Phil Cannella has a great deal of experience when it comes to long-term care insurance. He has been in the industry for almost 40 years now, offering this form of insurance, and he understands it better than most insurance professionals in the industry. Phil Cannella says that over the last 40 years, long-term care insurance has evolved and changed, and that today’s consumers need to understand what it is. Phil Cannella says that unlike traditional health insurance, long-term care insurance is designed to cover long-term Read More +
Phil Cannella Helps with Retirement Phase of Life
Phil Cannella doesn’t look upon retirement as “the end of a cycle but rather the beginning of a brand new cycle.” While some would say that retirement signifies the approaching end of life, Phil Cannella looks at retirement as the beginning of a completely new aspect of life. In his own words: “While my grand pop and many others like him in this great country of ours believe that retirement is the end of the road, and that the planning is over, that simply isn’t Read More +
Phil Cannella Stands up to Wall Street Giants
Phil Cannella is quick to slam advisors on Wall Street due to their lack of fiduciary responsibility and is one of the few retirement experts who will stand up to these “Wall Street titans:” demanding that they hold true to their mission statements rather than holding true to their own pocket books. Phil Cannella has long been appalled by the amount of fees and commissions that so many Wall Street brokers “steal” from their clients. The word “steal” is used advisedly as they don’t call Read More +
Phil Cannella Talks Changes to Social Security Benefits
Phil Cannella is not happy with all the changes that have been made to Social Security as a result of the 2015 budget act. This piece of legislation was introduced in order to raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion dollars to prevent yet another government shutdown. It’s bad enough that there is unfettered spending throughout the U.S. government, but the curtailing of Social Security benefits to those who depend on it the most is deeply troubling to Phil Cannella. Through his proprietary Crash Proof Read More +
Phil Cannella says Economy Not Growing
Phil Cannella is quick to tell investors the truth about the current economy, which is often not exposed by the mainstream media. For the last 3-4 years many consumers have felt extremely bullish about the market because they have seen the S&P and Dow, along with other indexes, catapult to new highs over the last several years. With this consumer optimism, investors have flocked to the markets in the hopes of generating more wealth. The real question is, however: How long will this bullish optimism Read More +
Phil Cannella Discusses Frailty of World Economy
Phil Cannella is renowned for his accurate predictions of world economic conditions and his savvy interpretations of geopolitical events. He has also been prescient in how these world events impact the lives of Americans and more specifically the lives of people in retired years. By way of a history, Phil Cannella learned the rules of life in the school of hard knocks. It was by living life in the real world that he learned the laws of survival. It wasn’t by studying in an ivory Read More +
Phil Cannella is a Financial Guardian
Phil Cannella has been praised by most of the thousands of consumers who have had their retirements Crash-Proofed thanks to the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System. It is not just that Phil has protected his client’s assets from market risk and volatility; it is that Phil has given his clients a retirement they can enjoy, a retirement they hoped for, a retirement they waited a lifetime for. In Phil’s words: “What is the point of working your life and amassing a bunch of money, and Read More +
Phil Cannella Slams Wall Street Greed
Unlike many financial advisers in the securities industry , Phil Cannella doesn’t charge his Crash Proof consumers for his services. Phil Cannella is not a licensed securities adviser nor does he ever recommend securities for his clients. Phil Cannella is a consumer advocate who has created the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System for people in or near retirement who want to protect the principal they’ve earned yet allow for the possibility of gaining interest. Unlike Wall Street, there are no fees (hidden or otherwise) in Read More +
Phil Cannella Discusses Greece On The Crash Proof Retirement Show
Phil Cannella Reveals The Greece ‘Domino Effect’ On the most recent edition of The Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and Joann Small discussed the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, and what it could mean to world economies in the future. By now, everyone knows the people of Greece have voted ‘no’ in a referendum on whether or not to accept the bailout terms offered by the European Union and other members of the Eurozone. Previously, the leaders of other European nations maintained that a Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Leading Advocate
The Crash Proof Retirement Show This past week on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella had the opportunity to interview Barbara Roper, the Director of Investor Protection for the Consumer Federation of America. Ms. Roper’s appearance on The Crash Proof Retirement Show was a natural fit, as she has spent her career thoroughly dedicated to consumer advocacy causes, including those that benefit older Americans and specifically, people in or near retirement as a member of AARP’s “Money-After-50” program. As the nation’s leading consumer spokesperson Read More +
Phil Cannella Continues The Fight For Accountability
Each day, Phil Cannella furthers the cause of mandating fiduciary responsibility across the financial industry. The financial crisis of 2008-2009 brought to light the rampant wrongdoing that permeates Wall Street. Industry professionals seek to take advantage of unwitting and gullible consumers. Insiders are working primarily for their own financial gain over those of the people they serve. This is unfortunately the state of affairs within the financial services sector, but it is one that Phil Cannella diametrically opposes and in contrast to this, holds himself Read More +
Phil Cannella: The Epitome of Consumer Advocacy in the Financial Industry
Phil Cannella welcomes each and every challenge he faces throughout his efforts to make sweeping reforms in the financial services industry. The battle over fiduciary duty, and Phil’s commitment to upholding the highest standard of consumer advocacy, may be his greatest victory to date. The Wall Street environment is a perfect example of the ‘every man for himself’ approach. Financial professionals are all too willing to take advantage of oblivious consumers, while industry insiders are work solely for their own personal financial gain, with little regard for Read More +
Phil Cannella Challenges Wall Street
Phil Cannella has had to face some tough challenges in his effort to make changes to the financial services industry and bring about reforms on Wall Street. It is common knowledge that Wall Street is fraught with white collar crime. Industry professionals are often seeking to take advantage of unwitting and gullible consumers. Industry insiders are often working for their own financial gain over those of the people they serve. This is unfortunately the state of affairs within the financial services sector, but it is Read More +
Phil Cannella Exposes the Illusion of Wall Street
Phil Cannella is proud of the fact that each attendee at a Cash Proof Retirement educational event receives information that won’t be found anywhere else. The mainstream media won’t report on this information, the government’s laws and policies won’t cover it—and worst of all, your financial advisor won’t even tell you about it. That’s one reason why Phil Cannella, Creator of the Crash Proof Retirement System, calls his series on mutual funds ‘top-secret.’ He’s got nothing to hide, but it seems like everyone else does. Read More +
Phil Cannella Defends Retirees Against Wall Street
When Phil Cannella speaks to gatherings of hundreds of people around the Tri-State area, it’s important to him to understand the mindset of each attendee. That’s why at or near the start of each presentation, Phil Cannella asks the crowd two simple questions: “How many people think there’s going to be another financial crisis?” Inevitably, almost every hand in the room goes up—that is, until they hear the second part of the question. “How many people feel they’re prepared for the next financial crisis?” At Read More +
Phil Cannella Protects Consumers From Crippling Losses
Phil Cannella educates investors around the tri-state area on how to avoid losses in or near retirement. At Crash Proof Retirement educational events, Phil Cannella addresses standing-room only crowds with this surprising question: “Who would have loved to earn 0% in 2008?” Sounds crazy, right? Why would anybody be happy with making 0%? But when the subprime mortgage industry started to struggle in 2007, the memory of the stock market crash earlier that decade was still fresh in Phil Cannella’s mind. It had led him Read More +
Phil Cannella Leads the Charge Against Corruption
Phil Cannella doesn’t stand silent when it comes to the illegal and unethical practices of those financial advisors and insurance professionals who give the industry a bad name by cheating their clients. Too many financial professionals will stand up in front of the consumer and tell them how pristine they are, while casting a dark net around their competitors. Meanwhile, these same advisors cheat their clients by looking out for their own commissions rather than the client’s best interests. This is one of the reasons Read More +
Phil Cannella Conducts Crash-Proof Symphony Orchestra
What makes the Crash Proof Retirement System special? Founder Phil Cannella says the secret lies in the carefully crafted, finely-tuned arrangement of Crash Proof vehicles. Each individual’s specific Crash Proof Retirement plan is comprised of multiple financial vehicles that, when placed together in the Crash Proof Retirement melting pot, yields a well-protected, risk-proof nest egg. “The best way I can explain it is to compare it to a symphony orchestra,” explained Cannella. “Like musical instruments, all financial instruments have principles that they will follow to Read More +
Phil Cannella Exposes Fees in Variable Annuities
For almost 40 years, Phil Cannella has dedicated his professional life to his passion—advocating for people in or near retirement. Sometimes that means educating retirees on the financial climate, while helping them to select the investment vehicles that are most advantageous to maintaining and preserving their nest eggs. But for Phil Cannella, other times it means taking advocacy to the next level—demanding that financial advisors and other professionals work in the best interest of their clients. That’s exactly what Phil Cannella has offered to do Read More +
Phil Cannella Joins Forces with Dick Morris to Enhance Education of Retirees
Phil Cannella has spent his whole career educating retirees on the financial landscape of our country. He’s taught them about the inner workings of Wall Street, shielded them from corrupt or ill-advised investments, and protected their nest eggs through Crash Proof vehicles. But this past summer, Phil Cannella added another weapon to his arsenal in the form of internationally-renowned political insider Dick Morris. Morris’ expertise and experience on Capitol Hill brings an additional layer of expertise to Crash Proof Retirement educational events. Since July, Dick Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Elucidates on the Responsibilities of Wielding the Sword of Truth
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella has a system that he has built and refined over the years that is built on the very foundation of truth. But what does “wielding the Sword of truth” really mean? I think of a knight in shining armor gallivanting around the country side in days gone by. Is this what is meant? The answer to this question comes from Phil Cannella himself. He says, “Wielding the Sword of Truth means I always deal from a position of Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Strikes Out At the Lies
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella is diametrically opposed to those who purvey lies in order to serve their own ends. In Phil Cannella’s books, there is no greater harm that one can do in the financial industry than to take advantage of the ignorance of the many to line one’s own pockets. Phil Cannella disagrees with the way financial services are offered to seniors for it preys on this ignorance to make a gain for oneself. Phil Cannella sees little benefit for the Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Shows Us the Power of the Sword of Truth
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella has a Sword of Truth. To some this may sound like no more than a marketing slogan. If it were just a slogan we would have to question why it is so successful, for only truth begets success. We asked Phil Cannella what exactly is the Sword of Truth? “The Sword of Truth represents the philosophies by which I choose to live and is a simple yet powerful concept. It is a double-edged sword; one edge represents accurate Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Talks About Truth
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella has a powerful tool in his arsenal and that tool is “truth.” Now that word has boggled philosopher’s minds for centuries upon centuries who are always seeking to uncover basic truths of the universe. For Phil Cannella it is about providing the truth in terms of the real facts of the financial world and real solutions to the issues facing the American retiree. When someone lies, they are doing a disservice, not only to the person they are Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Explains the Sword of Truth
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella utters some deep words when he says that he wields the Sword of Truth. What exactly is that you may ask? In the words of Phil Cannella himself, “in my personal life, as in my financial practice, I have strived to wield what I call the Sword of Truth. The Sword of Truth represents the philosophies by which I choose to live and is a simple yet powerful concept. It is a double-edged sword; one edge represents accurate Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Talks About the Tax-Addicted IRS
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella, like many of us, is not too fond of the IRS. Why should we be? We work hard every day just to make ends meet and then see a large portion of our paycheck taken away from us without our volition. Compare this to what Phil Cannella says about the stock market, which can wipe out your savings in one fell swoop. So which one is worse, the IRS or the stock market? Who knows. But Phil Cannella Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Shows You How to Escape Unnecessary Taxation
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella knows how to help you reduce your taxes in a legal way! While many can help you reduce your taxes by using methods that may not pass an IRS audit, Phil Cannella can do quote the opposite. His methods are right in keeping with IRS laws and regulations. This is what makes Phil Cannella such a popular public speaker. He has these golden nuggets of valuable information that he provides to his audience to help them with real Read More +
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Boosts his Efforts to Educate in 2014
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella has maintained a mission to educate Americans on the little known investment options available to them that are truly Crash Proof, meaning even in a financial crisis your retirement finances are safe. Coming off of record breaking bull market in 2013, Phil Cannella’s expert opinion is that markets are primed for a correction, or even a crash. Phil Cannella has assumed the personal obligation to do everything in his power to spread his knowledge of these Crash Proof Read More +